Sustainable dentistry
Mercury is one of the most serious environmental toxins and even though amalgam was banned in 2009, most dental clinics still emit mercury. In order to minimize emissions of mercury Praktikertjänst has, in cooperation with Sweden Recycling and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, initiated a project which has received financial support from LIFE - EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU. Through this project, we take our responsibility for a sustainable society.
Sustainable dentistry
About the project
The project started in September 2016 and runs for three years. The main objective is to reduce emissions of mercury by further developing the existing technology, increase awareness and develop proposals on guidelines for optimal and efficient maintenance of amalgam separators.
Read moreThe project's results
The project's results are presented in Layman´s Report for the general public and in Technical Final Report
Read moreThe latest news about the project
Read here!Web tool
A little effort can make a big difference!
Visit our web based tool. It contains an open, free training course on how the dental industry can minimize emissions from dental amalgam. There are short video clips, interactive articles and documents with examples from Sweden.
Try it out for freeHere you will find new routines for minimizing emissions of dental amalgam
To minimize emissions of mercury from dental amalgam, Praktikertjänst started a project in colaboration with Sweden Recycling and IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet. With this project we are taking our responsability for a sustainable society.
The project is a contribution to the National environmental quality goal "Toxic-free environment" and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation.
Read more details on the EU project website
What is new?
We regularly update with information on what is happening in the project as well as news related to the project's purpose and objectives.
World Water Week in August 2019
The project will participate as an exhibitor during World Water Week, taking place in Stockholm between the 25-30 of August, arranged by Stockholm International Water Institute. World Water Week is the annual focal point for global water issues. About 4 000 visitors from countries all over the world will participate. Experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators and young professionals from a range of sectors and countries come to Stockholm to network, exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges of today. Hg-rid-LIFE will arrange the final conference at World Water Week. As the project is addressing to the Water Frame Directive and the aim is to minimize emission to the waste water, participating at World Water Week will be a good final of the project.
Webbased training tool
An open, free training course on how the dental industry can minimize emissions from dental amalgam has been lanuched: www.hg-rid.eu/en
You can find the right content whether you are a dental team, a service technician, environmental maintenance service personnel or from local authorities. The web based tool can give some inspiration to take a step forwards an eco-friendly dentistry. The project has developed recommendations for routines aimed at minimizing the release of mercury from dental care centers in Sweden. Hopefully the guidelines will inspire and be a support in other countries' work on developing recommendations.
The tool will support:
- Sustainability in Dental Practice Management
- Preparation for the new EU-regulations executed 2018
- Good examples how to handle the greatest environmental impact in dental clinic
- There are short video clips, interactive articles and documents with examples from Sweden.
Information at school for dental nurses
During March-May 2019 the project visited students at school for dental nurses to have a lecture about Hg-rid-LIFE and the web based training tool. The dental nurses often have the responsibility for the environmental issues at the dental clinic and can make a big difference.
Collected amount of mercury
One part of the project is to develop more efficient methods for decontaminations. 68 decontaminations at dental clinics in Praktikertjänst have resulted in 20,2 kgs of mercury. The sludge of amalgam is handled as hazardous waste. The amount of mercury from a decontaminiations varies from about 3 grams to 2.3 kgs. More decontaminations will be made in 2019.
More news and pictures can be found on our Facebook page
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How we preform an installation
Anders and Patrik explains the installation of amalgam separators and extraction systems.
Spela uppReference group
A Reference Group has been established to ensure the quality and environmental level of the project and for disseminating information.
The Reference Group consists of persons who are affected by the results of the project. They are chosen to represent features that take responsibility for the entire chain, from "the handling of amalgam to clean water" - upstream work (stop dangerous substances at source) to the flourishing lakes and oceans in balance. Representatives from The Swedish Dental Association as well as Swedish authorities; The Swedish River Basin District Authorities, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Swedish Chemicals Agency are engaged. Stockholm International Water Institute is also a member of the Reference Group. Nearly all of the members are also engaged in European working groups.
The first Reference Group Meeting was held in August 2017.
Members in the Reference Group:
Hans Göransson, The Swedish Dental Association
Gerda Kinell, The Swedish River Basin District Authorities
Kristina Svinhufvud, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Anna Nylander, Swedish Chemicals Agency
Nicolai Schaaf, Swedish Water House, Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI

How to screen a dental facility

Mercury and dental care